Wednesday, January 8, 2020

John Steinbeck Light And Darkness Essay - 843 Words

Light and darkness are two polar opposites. Light is like hope, and darkness is like sadness, or trouble. John Steinbeck, the author of Of Mice and Men uses these elements in his book to portray the hope, sadness and the immediate change between these two feelings, to advise the reader about the conflicts that migrant workers experienced while working on the ranch. John Steinbeck uses the elements of light, darkness, and the immediate change between the two to portray the hope, sadness, and the sudden change of feelings, that happens to the ranch workers in this book. John Steinbeck uses the element of sunlight to foreshadow the hope that appears in the lives of the ranch workers. One example of this is â€Å" The sun streaks climbed up†¦show more content†¦Another example of darkness foreshadowing troubling times is â€Å" He led the dog out into the darkness†.(Steinbeck 23). This quote occurs when Carlson is taking Candy’s dog out to shoot it. The darkness that Carlson leads the dog into is foreshadowing the darkness that would soon be occurring to the ranch workers, especially George and Lennie. John Steinbeck uses the element of darkness to foreshadow the troubling times that come and go for the ranch workers. John Steinbeck uses the quick change of sunlight to darkness throughout the book, to portray the sudden changes of happiness to sadness that the workers experience while on the ranch. One example of this quick change is â€Å" Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off† (Steinbeck 15). This quote happens right as Curley’s wife is entering the room to meet George and Lennie. This shows the quick change between light and darkness because before Curley’s wife entered the room, there was sunlight shining throughout the room, but as soon as she entered the room, the sunlight was blocked out, which is a sign that George and Lennie should stay away from Curley’s wife, because she could cause trouble. Another example of the quick change between light and darkness in this book is â€Å"Show MoreRelatedThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1004 Words   |  5 PagesBeauty Is Everywhere Can light shine in complete darkness? In other words, can something beautiful exist in the midst of malevolent influences? Most people would say no, that beauty can’t be found in the midst of these influences. However, wherever there is hope and faith, there will be beauty. Beauty is everywhere, beauty can be found in people based off their looks. Beauty can be found in people based on their morals, ethics and the decisions they make. Beauty has no bounds, beauty can beRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men And Our Day Out1966 Words   |  8 PagesIn this essay I am going to compare and contrast the theme of social deprivation in Of Mice and Men and Our Day Out. John Steinbeck, writer of ‘Of Mice and Men’ lived in California in 1930’s and the novel was written in the time of the Great Depression in America. As a result the people were in poverty. The reason why there was a great depression was unemployment and stock market crash. The novel is abou t two itinerant workers having a dream about buying a farm. Social deprivation was conspicuousRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words   |  17 PagesAnderson, Laurie Twisted YA Anderson, M.T The astonishing life of Octavian nothing YA Atwood, Margaret The handmaid’s tale AF Auel, Jean Clan of the cave bear AF Baranay, Inez Pagan SF Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan JF Binchy, Maeve Circle of friends AF Boyne, John, The boy in the striped pyjamas AF YA Braithwaite, E.R. To sir with love SF YA Brashares, Ann Sisterhood of the travelling pants YA Brooks, Geraldine March AF Burgess, Anthony A clockwork orange AF CarrollRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 Pagesattitudes emergence of ethnic writers and women writers Style: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · narratives: both fiction and nonfiction anti-heroes concern with connections between people emotion-provoking humorous irony storytelling emphasized autobiographical essays Effect: ï‚ · too soon to tell Historical Context: ï‚ · ï‚ · people beginning a new century and a new millennium media culture interprets values Analyzing Poetry: Poetry Tips Analyzing Poetry What is poetry? How is it analyzed? What are

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